Course Instructions

Table Of Contents


Body Compartments

Body Composition Evaluation

BIA Method Comparison


BIA Testing



Notes on Obesity

Phase Angle

Trending Information

Case Studies





Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

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Reimbursement Issues

BIA is considered a "procedure" and as with all other procedures it is best to get a preauthorization when available. You can submit for procedure reimbursement on the same day as a clinic visit. Another option is to upgrade the office visit to include the BIA evaluation cost. Current procedural Terminology (CPT) codes that have been used depend on the reason for evaluating body composition and on how you decide to submit for reimbursement.

In the Q&A section of the January 2001 issue of CPT: Your practical guide to current coding a question about coding for BIA performed by a physician during an office visit. The response was as follows:

“From a CPT coding perspective, body fat analysis is not a separately reportable service, and is considered part of the examination component of evaluation and management (E/M). Therefore, when the physician performs body fat analysis using skin calipers or bio-electrical impedance analysis during an E/M service, only the appropriate level of E/M should be reported. No additional reporting is necessary.”

It may therefore be suggested to either schedule the BIA test on another day, such as a lab draw day, in order to report it as a separate procedure. The alternative is to adjust the E/M visit to reflect the appropriate level when BIA is included.

As a procedure:
93720 total body plethysmography including report and interpretation. This code is listed under vascular studies and is usable for BIA because of the evaluation of fluid status.
93722 this code is related to the 93720 code, but only includes interpretation and report and excludes the test-taking procedure.
93920 series non-invasive physiologic studies of upper/lower extremities; 93920 is for upper extremities; 93921 for lower extremities; 93922 is in Medicare listing.
89399 basal metabolism rate (BMR). This code is listed under laboratory and pathology – basal metabolism rate. Research has been conducted on the use of body cell mass evaluation as the basis for calorie use. The report generated may not use this information to determine the BMR reported, so this code is a bit of a stretch.
99199 this code is for an unlisted special service or report and may be used to appeal a denial. In some cases, this code is used if a preauthorization is made for the procedure.
99070 this code is used for supplies and materials related to test.
As a visit:
Upgraded visit the use of BIA may be included to upgrade an office visit.
97530 this code is under the heading of physical medicine and describes an initial 30 minute visit to provide intervention for therapeutic activities of daily living.
97535 same as in "b" above, but at 15 minute visit level
97750 also under physical medicine heading and describes a 15 minute visit for physical performance test for strength (lean body mass assessment)
99215 or 99214 visit codes for dietitian outpatient services

ICD9-CM codes that are associated with the need for body composition evaluation should be noted. It is not adequate to note the disease state, unless the "disease" is malnutrition. Whenever possible, obtain preauthorization for the procedure. Potential ICD9-CM codes that may help to justify conducting a BIA test are listed below (listed by ascending number).

ICD9-CM Codes
257.2 gonadal (testis) insufficiency
260 protein or malignant malnutrition
261 severe malnutrition
262 protein-calorie and 3rd degree malnutrition
263.0 moderate or 2nd degree malnutrition
263.1 mild or 1st degree malnutrition
263.8 specified pro-cal NEC*
263.9 malnutrition (calorie)
269.9 nutritional disease or dietary inadequacy
272.6 lipodystrophy (progressive)
276.5 fluid loss (acute), dehydration
276.6 fluid retention
278.00 excessive weight, fat
344.0 quadriplegia
344.1 paraplegia
359.9 diseased muscle
359.1 muscular dystrophy
428 congestive heart failure
558.9 cachectic NEC diarrhea
579.3 malnutrition following gi surgery
593.9 renal
728.8 muscular atrophy: disuse
728.9 muscle, fatty degeneration
729.9 diseased musculoskeletal system
780.9 activity decrease, functional
728.2 muscular wasting
782.3 edema
783.0 anorexia
783.1 excessive weight gain
783.2 excessive weight loss (cause unknown)
797 old age debility
793.7 abnormal findings without diagnosis: body structure musculoskeletal
783.4 insufficient growth, physiologic development
799.4 cachexia, wasting disease
994.2 insufficient nourishment, food
V67.2 routine follow-up of cancer chemotherapy
V67.59 injury NEC
V69.0 insufficient physical exercise
V77.9 screening for nutritional, metabolic disorders NEC

*(NEC = not elsewhere classifiable)

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