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BIA Spreadsheet -
English Measures (downloadable spreadsheet Excel file).
BIA Spreadsheet - Metric Measures (downloadable spreadsheet
Excel file).
Spinal Cord Injuries downloadable spreadsheet file.
Spinal Cord Injuries downloadable spreadsheet file for Excel 1995 or 5.0
BIA Report downloadable MS 2000 Word file.
Report in downloadable pdf (for Macs and other word processors)
***You must have the
Adobe Acrobat
Reader 4.0 (download for free) to read these files.***
BIA Report for Spinal cord Injuries downloadable MS Word file.
BIA Repot for Spinal cord injuries in downloadable pdf (for Macs and
other word processors)
BIA Report- metric version downloadable MS Word file.
BIA Report- metric version in downloadable pdf (for Macs and other word
BIA Report for Spinal cord injuries - metric version downloadable MS Word
BIA Report for Spinal cord injuries- metric version downloadable pdf (for
Macs and other word processors)
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