The Role of the EPC
With more
stable glucose levels, there is an increase in ENDOTHELIAL PROGENITOR CELLS, or
EPCs, which “patch” damage within blood vessel walls. Having more EPCs in
circulation can help keep blood vessels in a healthy state.
Damage to
inner lining of blood vessels (endothelium) leads to
vascular complications
EPCs “patch”
endothelial injuries
EPC count
increases with reduction in glycemic excursions
The simplest
way to evaluate the degree of post-meal glucose spikes is with fingerstick blood
glucose measurements. Ideally, this should be performed about an hour after
completion of a meal, which is when glucose levels tend to hit their highest
point. For those who want to know more precisely when their glucose peaks,
fingersticks can be performed every 15 to 30 minutes after a meal, and stopped
when the glucose begins its downward descent.
Fingerstick BG Checks
Capillary (finger)
Check BG 1 Hr after
of meal
(or) every 15, 20 or 30
min until 2 consecutive BG reductions occur (No addl. Food/insulin
until test is completed)
Meter Check Example
In this
example, where glucose levels were checked an hour after breakfast, lunch and
dinner for 3 consecutive days, there is evidence of a significant peak after
breakfast only. Note that the post-lunch high glucose followed a low – and was
likely a “rebound”. The post-dinner highs were preceded by pre-meal highs, so
there was little “net rise” that took place. Collecting data for at least a few
more days might shed more light on whether the glucose is truly well-managed
following lunch and dinner.
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Dinner |
Pre |
1h Post |
Pre |
1hr Post |
Pre |
1hr Post |
117 |
281 |
157 |
166 |
191 |
204 |
90 |
302 |
58 |
247 |
89 |
147 |
151 |
264 |
77 |
152 |
235 |
222 |
after-meal peak following breakfast; not after lunch or dinner |
Measurement of Postprandial
However, it is difficult to
know exactly WHEN to perform
a fingerstick in order to
catch the glucose at its
peak. Different meals,
medications and post-meal
activities can influence the
timing of the peak. This is
why Continuous Glucose
Monitoring (CGM) is the
preferred tool for assessing
postprandial glycemia. CGMs
track glucose levels every 1
to 5 minutes, so the “peak”
is never missed. For those
patients who do not have a
personal-use CGM, the
clinical team can loan out a
PROFESSIONAL system for a
week or two. The device can
be downloaded and analyzed
after it is returned to the
software shows