Exploring the Relationship Between Diabetes and Exercise


1. Which of the following would not place a person at risk for hypoglycemia when exercising?:
a.  Basal insulin
b.  Sulfonylureas
c.  Meglitinides
d.  Metformin
e.  Increased pre-exercise insulin


2.  Physical activity helps to lower glucose by each of the following except:
a.  Enhanced insulin sensitivity
b.  Accelerated uptake of injected insulin
c.  Blocking insulin receptors
d.  Direct metabolism of glucose
e.  Reduced insulin resistance


3.  For an individual taking mealtime insulin, the best way to prevent hypoglycemia is to:
a.  Modestly reduce the mealtime insulin dose prior to exercise

b.  Don't take any mealtime insulin prior to exercise
c.  Don't take any basal/long-acting insulin on exercise days
d.  Postpone meals until after exercise takes place
e.  Increase mealtime insulin dose after exercise


4.  Benefits of exercise for people with type-2 diabetes include:
a.  Increased sleep duration
b.  Improved insulin sensitivity
c.  Decreased caloric needs
d.  Increased appetite
e.  All of the above


5.  For those who take mealtime insulin and are trying to lose weight, the best time to exercise is:
a.  First thing in the morning
b.  Right before a meal
c.  Soon after a meal
d.  It does not matter
e.  Just before bedtime snack 


6.  In order to improve patient adherence to an activity program, it is best to provide:
a.  Verbal instructions at the time of office visits

b.  A detailed exercise prescription
c.  Booklets on exercise for people with diabetes
d.  Referrals to cardiologists
e.  A detailed meal program


7.  Quality exercise, which improves cardiovascular health, must be:
a.  Continuous in nature

b.  At least moderately challenging in intensity
c.  Performed for at least 20 minutes
d.  Performed routinely
e.  All of the above


8.  For best (and safest) results, stretching should be performed:
a.  Before beginning a workout

b.  In the middle of a workout
c.  Right after a workout
d.  Instead of the workout
e.  Right after a meal


9.  An effective exercise plan/prescription should include:
a.  Motivational strategies
b.  Types of recommended activity

c.  Duration and intensity of activity

d.  Frequency of activity

e.  All of the above

10.  For optimal health and diabetes control, it is best to exercise:
a.   At a high intensity a few days a week
b.  At a moderate intensity most days of the week
c.  At a light intensity every day
d At a light intensity more than once a day
e.  At a high intensity, but no more than once per week