Course Instructions

Table Of Contents


Body Compartments

Body Composition Evaluation

BIA Method Comparison


BIA Testing



Notes on Obesity

Phase Angle

Trending Information

Case Studies





Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis


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Before we get to the practical application, let’s discuss some concepts. Remember that, like most medical technology and practice, the use of BIA is evolving. If you understand some of the concepts behind such testing, you will be better able to keep up with the changes in technology, equations, and clinical applications of body composition evaluation through single-frequency tetrapolar BIA testing.

Interest in body composition evaluation may originate in the desire to have a more precise view of how well the body can function (including physical performance),[1] its nutritional status, and to overcome limitations of evaluating more general measures, such as weight and body mass index (BMI).

Body weight can vary as much as 0.1 kg per day. Variations in body weight of more than 0.5 kg per day suggests an imbalance in water or energy, or both. Starvation can result in weight losses of up to 0.4 kg per day, allowing for survival down to 70% of desired weight.[2] Slower semi starvation allows a patient to survive to 55-50% of their desirable weight. A minimum survivable weight ranges from 48%-55% of desired body weight, or a BMI range of 13-15. Once weight loss exceeds 10% of baseline in less than six months, several organ systems are likely to be affected. 0% weight loss over the same period is likely to produce alterations in body functions in almost every human being.  In addition to soft tissue loss, bone loss is a feature of weight loss.  Early osteoporosis becomes a concern with repeated episodes of weight loss, as seen in “yo-yo” dieters.

On the other end of the spectrum, obesity alters body composition by not only adding fat mass to the body, but also muscle, bone, and extracellular water (ECW).  Muscle and bone mass experience “compensated increases” in response to the required effort and force to carry additional weight during early obesity.  If this phenomenon is followed, as it often is, by immobility, compensated muscle gain may be lost. The result is a condition referred to as “sarcopenic obesity” which may be viewed as a “muscle wasted, but overfat” condition.

Although extremes in BMI, less than 18 and more than 25-27, seem to correlate with health problems, it is difficult to predict volume of fat and lean tissues in patients who do not fit the profile of normal, healthy people. Body mass index has been described as “imprecise, non-linear, and biased by age, especially in women.”[3]

Body composition evaluation beyond weight has been correlated with morbidity and mortality.[8] Interest in body composition during disease or injury is focused on lean tissues or fat-free mass of the body.[9] Lean mass accounts for bone, skeletal muscle, visceral organs, extracellular fluids, and other tissues. Lean tissues are responsible for most of the important metabolic processes that sustain life and function and provide the bulk of support for processes related to the body during injury or disease.

weight loss does not adequately describe available stores

Although unintentional weight loss is an excellent indicator that something is amiss, it may not adequately describe the available energy and nitrogen stores that are important to preserve and are the basis for many clinical decisions.[4]  Weight is subject to error in patients with significant injury or acute or chronic disease.

Alterations in fluid status (accumulation of fluid) during loss of skeletal muscle protein and adipose tissue, and even the slow rate of organ atrophy can confound the use of weight as a linear model for body composition change.[5]  Unable to reflect non-linear deterioration, such as fluid shifts (edema or ascites), tumor growth, organomegaly, transient glycogen losses, or sarcopenic obesity, even

weight change is an inadequate measure

to evaluate changes in body composition and clinical status.[6] [7]

 Thus, we look to other methods to differentiate body compartments according to properties or functions in the physically normal, healthy person as the baseline for understanding the value of body composition evaluation. The “hydrostatic” or underwater weighing process is used to determine the difference between body weight and underwater body weight to establish body density. Lean tissues are denser than fat. Therefore, the more a person weighs underwater compared to “land” measures of body weight, the more fat-free mass they are likely to have. The greater the difference in weights, the more fat mass the individual may have. Fat tissue is less dense (0.901 grams/cc) compared to bone tissue (3.0 grams/cc), water (1.0 grams/cc), and other fat-free tissues. The average density of FFM is approximated at 1.1 grams/cc. FFM density may be estimated as lower in persons who are obese or experience overhydration. Conversely, FFM density is higher in dehydration and can cause an underestimation of fat tissues. However, actual density of FFM may vary according to age, gender, and race and can even vary widely between individuals of similar ages, gender, and race. Additionally, hydrostatic weight may overestimate fat in children under 10 years old and women over 60 years old because of reduced bone density. Even gold standards have their limitations!

Anthropometry beyond BMI, including fat-folds and circumferences, helps to describe body dimensions and to estimate body fat and lean.[10] [11]  In fact, anthropometry, done well and to exacting standards, may be considered a type of criterion or “gold standard” measure, and correlates well with hydrostatic weight for body density.[12][13] [14] Anthropometric measures have been used in regression equations validated through hydrodensitometry (hydrostatic or underwater weight) to predict levels of fat in the body. If done well, anthropometry can predict body density (r>/= 0.80).

For more information on anthropometric measurement methods,  take the free Anthropometry course on this site.

Fat patterns (such as those identified by waist-to-hip ratio, waist circumferences, and abdominal fat-fold measures) can help to identify health risks of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and others.[15] [16] [17]  Anthropometry, too, has its limitations.[18] For instance, based on the assumption that most of the body’s fat is subcutaneous, alterations produced by disease, genetics, and other variations from the reference healthy, lean population will limit the usefulness of such measures in short-term evaluations. There may be marked differences from the “norms” in fat distribution both subcutaneously and internal/external fat compartments as well as differences in landmark response to lost and gained weight.[19] In these instances, anthropometry is helpful to characterize an individual’s fat patterning, additional information on health risks associated with obesity,[20] and monitor changes over times by conducting trending measurements.

Estimations of fat-free mass can be made through dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) testing.[21] 

Fat free mass testing can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including



total body potassium counts (for body cell mass) 

isotope dilution (for total body water)

 electromagnetic scanning

dual x-ray absorptiometry

Muscle mass may be determined by


urinary creatinine or 3-methylhistidine excretion 

dual x-ray absorptiometry 

magnetic resonance imaging 

computerized tomography 

bioelectrical impedance analysis

Originally used primarily to evaluate bone density, DXA measures can quantify and describe regional distribution of denser lean tissues compared to less-dense fat tissues.[22] Thus, with regional evaluation, visceral and subcutaneous fat compartments can be estimated. Also, bone tissues can be differentiated from soft lean tissues, providing a clue about an individual’s risk for disease and ability to sustain soft lean tissue functions.

Total body nitrogen estimation can provide information about the protein content of the body. A combination of body weight, height, and age has been used to predict normal body potassium, water, and fat in humans.[23] This measure assumes a constant proportion of body nitrogen exists between intracellular and extracellular spaces. However, because this ratio can change during disease states,[24] more direct measures of body potassium content may be a more valid estimation of protein stores.[25] Potassium counting (total body potassium or TBK+) is considered the best reflection of the metabolic tissues, contained in the sub-compartment of fat-free mass called body cell mass (BCM), because it is estimated that 97% of this element is contained in intracellular spaces.[26] [27]

  Before we continue, it is important that we take a few minutes and explain the different body compartments and their composition. Please follow the link below for a short explanation of body compartments.


Continue on to Body Compartment Analysis  

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