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Study 4 Citation:  Simoes EA, Groothuis JR.

Respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis--the story so far.

Respir Med 2002 Apr;96 Suppl B:S15-24

Department of Paediatrics, The University of Colorado School of Medicine and The Children's Hospital, Denver 80218, USA.

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Most children are infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) by the age of two years which is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality among certain high-risk pediatric populations. Several notable efforts have been made to develop an active immunization, but obstacles have stood in the way of this development. Instead, passive immunoprophylaxis has shown to be particularly effective in treating RSV in pediatric populations. Palivizumab was granted FDA approval in 1998 and has demonstrated itself to be extremely effective at reducing RSV-related hospitalizations. In fact, it is now in use in over 45 countries worldwide with outstanding safety and efficacy observations.


The authors are well published in the study of RSV. In fact, Simoes has been published several times in the past few years on this topic. Simoes et al. review the initial development studies in this analysis, and determine the key issues surrounding administration of palivizumab (Synagis). 

The impact of RSV is quite serious in the United States. For example, there are an estimated 100,000-125,000 hospitalizations and 100-450 deaths each year among infants and children that are attributable to RSV. In fact, hospital admissions for bronchiolitis in children have increased markedly. Rates for children <1 year of age have risen from 12.9/1,000 in 1980 to 31.2/1,000 in 1996. Between 60-80% of all RSV infections are seen in healthy children. And perhaps most worrying is the fact that when these children become ill at three months or younger of age they are predisposed to several more severe illness.

An important point in the spread of RSV disease, note the authors, is that infection does not confer permanent and durable immunity. Re-infection can and frequently does occur in older children, adults and the elderly.

The costs associated with this disease are staggering. And yet prophylaxis with palivizumab is straightforward and cost-effective. And while these authors do not evaluate the impact of giving the injections in the home or at an office, the drug’s overall effectiveness is a recurring theme throughout this article.

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